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Making Sh'room for Her

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

We are excited to launch our women's empowerment program that will help close the gap of gender inequality in our communities. Don't forget to subscribe to this blog too! We will continue to share ongoing impact updates being made with your support, but most importantly, by the actual women in our communities who have started their own savings program! #doingcharitydifferently

Women from Namiguwa and Mawerere Villages

One of our first efforts in our Women's Empowerment program is to establish a mushroom cooperative that will be "women-owned." We launched our campaign this month and will work towards land selection, building the mushroom house, and educating the women on how to maintain and sell their mushrooms for income. Our initial location is within our pilot scope of Eastern Uganda, in the parish of Kithodha. [FYI - Kitodha is also the name of a village in the parish. It is 1 of 10 villages of the 400 villages in the scope of our work in Eastern Uganda. SNIKIES - that's a lot of "shroom'in" AND a lot of women who need to know their worth.


And the program name? "Making Sh'room for Her" was inspired by the need to create more opportunities (or room) for women in the community (in society as a whole) to have their own ability to make decisions for themselves and their families, their own income through having their own businesses, empowering them through creating leadership roles within the

community and so much more!

Help us create awareness about our programs and how we create gender equity in our communities by purchasing and wearing our Women's Empowerment T-Shirt! 100% of the revenue generated goes towards helping to stand up our program! We have initiated work in 6 of 299 villages in Eastern Uganda. 293 to go! We can't do this without you!

Did you know that most women in Uganda and other African Societies are considered PROPERTY?

Yes, having no rights other than "decision-maker over the kitchen". We are changing that as we create this post.

Continue to follow us here, and @boonagriculture on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linked for learning more about "how" we are doing charity differently and "making sh'room for her" in some of the most impoverished countries in the world, starting with Eastern Uganda.

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