Next Gen is engaged. They just need help getting started.
GOAL AMOUNT: $12,000
Helping to start TBP’s LCOE will help us help them work towards being self-sustaining. They have already started saving, but need help building the infrastructure for the region which will be a place they can come learn, get the necessary resources and funding to start their businesses.
Our Young Adults (ages 18-32) are excited about the opportunities Boon is creating for the communities and desperately want to be involved. We need your help to get them started.
Along with the men and women, the young adults have begun forming their own savings groups across each village to save for their dreams. Their collective interest is to focus on the commercial production of livestock. This includes raising pigs, chickens, goats, rabbits and cows on a large scale to improve access to more meat protein and generate more job opportunities.
TBP has identified land where a Livestock Center of Excellence (LCOE) would be started. This LCOE would be where youth in the region learn how to create their own livestock business or one for their families.
Not only do they learn animal rearing, but they will also gain access to resources to start their new businesses and trade markets for selling their livestock generating income to feed their families and build their future. The LCOE will also be a place that creates revenue and is managed by local youth and where NextGen can obtain a micro-loan to start their new livestock business.
Sharing their dreams through a business plan they learned to create.
A young adult representing his peers and presenting their business plan to our leadership and planning committee. They are saving towards their project and seeking a micro-loan to match their savings towards their goal.
The pictures above are of three different Young Adult Village Savings Groups business plans and what they are saving towards. Let’s help them reach their goals!
NOTE: This will be a micro-loan and will be paid back by the youth and will be re-invested to start other projects in the communities we are working in.
Boon Leadership touring the National Livestock Research Institute (NaLIRRI) of Uganda to learn how we can partner also with the government to build sustainable livestock programs for the thousands of young adults in our region.
She is driven.
A young adult female presenting her village peers dreams for an exotic poultry breed rearing commercial business. This breed will produce twice as many eggs as the local chickens do, therefore maximizing their earnings.
TBP’s LCOE is a nonprofit and therefore all funding that is generated from it will go back towards to supporting the young adults programs.
The links above takes you to GIVEBUTTER our fundraising platform where you can safely donate or learn where to send a check. TBP is a 501(c)(3) public charity (EIN # 84-3609866) and each donator will receive a tax receipt for their records.